length ========== 개요 ------ string length를 계산 하는 명령어입니다. 타입 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TEXT 설명 ------ Arguments으로 받은 column 혹은 string의 length를 row별로 계산을 한다. * ``* | length column_name`` * ``* | length `column_name``` * ``* | length `column_name` AS my_column_name`` * ``* | length `column_name` AS `my column name``` * ``* | length 'this is a text'`` * ``* | length 'this is a text' AS custom_text`` * ``* | length 'this is a text' AS `custom text``` * ``* | length colA, `col B` as B, 'my text', 'another text' as `my another text``` Example ---------- - 예제 데이터 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - column_1 - column 2 * - sample data - another data - 예제 명령어 1 .. code-block:: python * | length column_1, column_1 as `alias column 1`, `column 2` as alias_column_2, `column 2` as `alias column 2 with spaces`, 'my text', 'my text' as `custom text` 결과 .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - column_1 - column 2 - LENGTH(column_1) - alias column 1 - alias_column_2 - alias column 2 with space - LENGTH(my text) - custom text * - sample data - another data - 11 - 11 - 12 - 12 - 7 - 7